Surf Mentawai - Quick Facts
LOCATION: Indonesia, off the west coast of Sumatra
CURRENCY: Indonesian Rupiah
Since the early 1990's surfers from around the globe have been visiting the Mentawai islands to experience untouched rainforest and superb waves. More than a dozen "worldclass" reefbreaks exists making it one the most surf infested regions in the world. Most spots host mechanical perfection and vary in intensity for all level of surfer, making it an ideal surf vacation location.
Indonesia is such a great place for surf. It has got the classic waves, the crystal clear warm water and the balmy days. What more could anyone want. The Mentawai islands are a relatively new surfing location, having only been surfed since the early 90's. Although the main island has loads of spots probably the best way to surf the Mentawai islands is by boat.
Our good friend the South Indian Ocean produces the swells that have the islands pumping from March through to November at 6-12ft, and the cyclone swells keep the surf rolling in throughout the remainder of the year. You go to Mentawai, you get surf! The calm winds ensure that the swells that do arrive are always of a high standard.
Top Mentawai waves include Bankvaults, Lance's Left and Lance's Right, Macaronis, and for the less experienced there is Gilligan's.
Just take a moment to look at the Mentawai Surfing Conditions summary table below - looks good eh!
Surfing Mentawai - The Good
Tropical Paradise / Warm Water
High Standard Swells
Surf Mentawai - The Bad and the Ugly
Boats for the best spots required
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